Sunday, January 27, 2019

My Electric bill sucked!

Forsyth MO. - It being winter and all, I'd expect my electric bill from Liberty - a Canadian owned company would be higher than on other more warm months. My bill is split to include the last half of one month and the first half of the next (if that appears to be a half-assed way to do things, it is). This money was to be billed in the middle of February 2019 and so helped to keep the customers somewhat confused...

So, in the later part of December 2018, things were pretty consistent while the first half of January could better be described as chaotic! So, what gives? Well, it all come down to a question of the perception of cold. Foe me, anytime the average temperature for the day is at or above 40 degrees, I tend to leave the furnace off and survive suing a pair of space heaters. When, however, the temps wander into the lower regions, I will most always kick on the furnace and suffer the much higher usage of power. That's pretty much what did happen in the first two weeks of January and I can tell you that things did not improve after the 15th! My bill of $133 was figured on a total KwH amount of 884 multiplied by .13006 cents with an added $18 charge to cover 'use fees' and ADP or additional dealer profit. And you know what? I could live with that excepting that the monies all go to Canada...